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Please join me for this inspirational conversation with Christian Romance Author Rebecca Lange, who is about to release her eleventh novel Behind Those Blue Eyes!

Rebecca, thank you so much for making time for us today. Between your family, writing, and all you do for other authors, I can’t imagine how you find the time, but we’re so glad you have.

Now, speaking of what you’ve got in the works for us, I know your fans would love to hear more about what’s coming.

Well, I have several works in progress and recently finished one, which, as you mentioned is soon to be released. It’s a historical fiction western romance titled Behind Those Blue Eyes, and I’m so excited about it. I also recently released the audiobook version of Healing the Orphaned Heart.

That is exciting. I can’t wait for Behind Those Blue Eyes to get to your readers and I have no doubt your fans are anxious for what I imagine will be just the first of many audiobooks by Rebecca Lange!

With all the stories in your head and those you’ve written, how much of yourself would you say you put into your characters?

Quite a bit. It helps me to connect with my female characters and makes it easier to feel what they feel or think what they think. I’m sarcastic by nature and can be sassy. My characters are usually like that too. I also address a lot of difficult real-life topics because I firmly believe these are subjects we need to talk about, even if it is uncomfortable. My female characters are also stubborn and headstrong, which I may or may not be too. Just don’t ask my husband for his opinion on that.

Well, I won’t make any assumptions, but I will say I can definitely see the sassy side of your female characters, and I do love some good sarcasm.

So, sticking with the subject of personalities for a moment, a common misconception when it comes to authors is that we are a socially inept bunch. How true do you think that is?

I think that really is a misconception. Many authors might be introverts, but that doesn’t make them socially inept. I mean, as an author, you are kind of required to know about social interaction rules since we write about that a lot and in all kinds of time periods. Yes, authors spend way more time alone than in social settings, but that doesn’t mean they can’t socialize like normal people.

You said it. I’m an introvert myself and may even qualify as a loner to some, but I believe I do okay in social settings, and I know you do as you’ve given us so much of your time on social media.

On the subject of society and social settings, do you read and reply to the reviews and comments of your readers?

Yes and no. I try to interact with readers, and I also like to thank them for their reviews, especially the positive and uplifting ones. It is always nice when you get a review that praises your book and work, and we should let our readers know that we appreciate it.

I wish readers knew how much those reviews mean to us both on a personal level and to our sales.

How about those bad reviews that we all get eventually, no matter how good a storyteller we are? Do they affect your writing?

For a little bit, yes. I mean, we all know not everyone will love our books and writing style, yet I think deep inside, we still hope they will. Seeing a bad review can really hurt and leave a sting, and I get pretty down for a while unless it appears to be a review from a troll. Then I just feel angry and frustrated. Luckily it doesn’t last too long, and I can pick myself back up, or a wonderful review comes in and makes my day.

Yes, those trolls are out there and just waiting to pounce on us all. I often wonder if they realize the damage they are doing, but then, perhaps that is exactly their purpose.

Now, you write historical fiction, and I have to admit, that’s something I haven’t dared to even attempt. Just the thought of all that research makes me cringe. How important is research to you when writing a book?

It depends on the time period and also what you write about, but research is certainly a huge part of making a story great. Nonfiction might require more research than fiction, but even with fiction, we want to get things as right as possible. I think we are so blessed nowadays that we have the internet and don’t have to spend hours in libraries to get the answers we need.

You’re so right on both counts. Today’s technology is a wonderful thing. And yes, fiction or not, there are many aspects of the world we place our characters in that we need to pay special attention to and get right, or we risk losing credibility with our readers.

And speaking of getting things right, what have you found to be the tallest hurdle when it comes to writing?

Editing and Marketing. As an indie author, marketing can be a real pain and is for me. It’s so hard to know what to do regarding spreading the word and reaching the right audience. Editing is tough too. We don’t want to miss anything and often rely on ourselves because paying someone to edit your work can be very expensive.

I’m with you. Who knew that when we decide to become a published author, marketing is part of the bargain? Whether we go the traditional or indie route, either way, selling ourselves and our books is something we simply must contend with. As for editing, yes, it can get extremely expensive, especially with some of the editors out there. But it’s oh, so important.

And on the subject of editing, while I know the answer to this question, I’m sure your fans would like to know if you proofread and edit your work on your own or pay someone to do it for you?

I have done and do both. When I began this journey, I relied on relatives and friends to assist me with the final editing, then I found an inexpensive editor. But she had to quit for personal reasons at one point, and I didn’t have the funds to get someone else. Plus, my hubby wasn’t fully on board and didn’t want to waste our money. I think sticking with my writing and all the hours I spend working on it convinced him to invest in my passion, and so after editing several of my books myself with the help of grammar programs, I am now back with an actual editor and so glad I made that move.

And I’m incredibly honored and proud to be working with you. I’m also excited to read every book on your backlist, as well as all those to come!

You know, I always say that we improve our craft with every page, every chapter and every book we write, but only if we allow ourselves to soak in the knowledge along the way. Since your first book, what one thing stands out to you as the most improved aspect of your writing?

Definitely. English is not my native language, so naturally, I struggle sometimes with grammar and spelling and all that. But writing my books in English, then polishing and self-editing has absolutely improved my writing as well as my English. Practice, practice, practice. As long as we keep working on what we struggle with, we can only get better.

I wholeheartedly agree. I’m sure you know that saying, practice makes perfect? Well, no one is perfect, of course, but with practice and lots of effort, we can certainly be as perfect as humanly possible.

And speaking of that backlist and all the wonderful stories you have coming out, I noticed that your later novels have even more beautiful covers and a definite style that I think will help your fans immediately identify you as the author. What is your take on the importance of a good cover and title?

I always believed a good title was important, but I didn’t think the cover made such a difference until pretty recently. The saying don’t judge a book by its cover is technically a farse because that’s what we all do, and a great cover can make all the difference in readers wanting to give your book a try.

So true. We need an eye-catching cover that draws the reader to take a second look and then an interesting or snappy title that entices them to look inside. And we can see that you’re making smart choices. Just look at those gorgeous covers!

Rebecca, thank you again for spending this time with us. I’ll be watching for that next release and look forward to more audiobooks in the future as I know many others will too.

You can find Rebecca and all her books at:


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