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Meet Author Stefanie Nici

Stefanie Nici, author of The Smoke Tree and The Smoke Tree: Broken Branches, is a giver, and she just released her first nonfiction. It’s specifically for authors and you won’t want to miss it! I highly recommend this new book for all indie authors, in particular, but don’t discard it for traditionally published authors as well.

Stefanie, thank you so much for joining me today. I’d like to start at the beginning by asking, when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

First, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about writing today.

As an only child, I lived in a world of make-believe. I had books, television, and my dolls who came to life as they acted out scenes and situations that I created in my head. Their drama and conflict kept me busy as I wrote their dialogue in my mind.

Writing seemed to come to me naturally after that, so there was never a bell that went off telling me I wanted to be a writer. Once I learned to spell and form sentences, I started writing for myself at home and school. This, to me, makes it more of a natural occurrence like riding a bike or having the desire to go to the beach; you just do it because you want to.

Although I did hope to write a book one day, that always seemed to be a dream, like becoming president or flying to the moon. You never, or rather, I never, thought it was something I could do professionally or as a career. Now, nothing seems out of reach to me if I really want it.

Inspiring words!

Some say an author should believe in what they are writing about. Would you agree with that?

Readers of The Smoke Tree books have remarked how my writing comes across as personal or how they really related to the main character, Tora, which means so much to me. So, when I think back to writing these stories and how emotional I became myself when Tora was upset and going through tough times, yes, I do feel believing in your work on many different levels is important and comes through in the storytelling.

I always say write characters your readers can believe in, and I know firsthand you did just that, as I enjoyed reading those stories very much.

So, tell us, is there any dream goal still on your bucket list?

Yes. Seeing my work on the screen, which at one time would have seemed impossible. But now that my dream of becoming a writer has become a reality, I’m confident this dream goal will happen as well.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I can already think of several actresses I’d love to see in the role of Tora, as well as several hunks who would make a wonderful Mateo.

And that brings me to your latest release. I know your fans are already looking for more from you, so can you tell us what you’ve been busy working on?

I would love to!

After noticing many authors asking the same questions in writing groups, to each other and to me, I’ve written my first nonfiction full of fun, easy and effective advertising and marketing tips specifically for authors. It’s titled How to Find Readers for Your Book.

I had the urge to share what I’ve come to learn from my own personal experiences. This led me on a new path to nonfiction, and I’m so excited to bring this book to everyone, where I share some of my ideas and practices on how easy it can be to inform people you are an author, along with how and where to find your books. And all while going about your everyday life.

Inside are surefire tips for creating new opportunities for you, the author, such as how to start conversations you probably would not have had with potential readers. And who knows, you may flip a nonreader into a reader. I have.

Wow, Stefanie. That sounds like something we all could learn from. I can’t wait to read all the feedback from authors on how your book helps them.

So, although you’re already giving published authors so much through your own experience in this new book, is there any other piece of advice you would like to share?

One of my passions is inspiring and motivating other writers and those who have seen their book sales slow or halt. I think this is why I find it easy to talk about myself and my own journey and why I make videos on YouTube. I want to shout from the rooftops, YOU CAN DO THIS! simply because I did, and I now know how possible it is. So, my advice is simple: Keep writing. While you may think and feel it is never going to happen for you, in the meantime, just keep writing so you are fully prepared for when it does.

Stefanie, thank you so much for spending this time with us and allowing us all to get to know you a little better. I know many of us will be checking out How to Find Readers for Your Book, as we all could use help with marketing strategies. And we’ll be watching for your next fiction novel, which I have no doubt will be as wonderful as your Smoke Tree stories.

You can find Stefanie’s books on and follow her on social media:


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